Wednesday, February 10, 2010

When the Weather Outside is Frightful...

Today I had an 8am class. A have a few of those, actually. For these classes, I like to wake up around 6:30 because I take forever to wake up, and I don't like to rush. I set my cell phone alarm, put it next to my pillow and doze off peacefully, knowing that I will not be happy in the morning.

Today I was a little bit more rested than usual because today I woke up at 8:15. "Oh crap," I thought. Then I turned on my computer and checked the weather. It was 26 degrees. Normally around here that isn't too bad unless it's windy. So I looked out the window, and my thoughts were somewhere along the line of "....#$%@#%@!"


Also, my morning class on Wednesdays is Design, which means I have to carry my portfolio and walk all the way across campus.

I had a fun morning.

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